News ID: 127
Publish Date : 01 August 2017 - 09:31
Khodrocar reports;

Exporting the heavy duty commercial vehicles is the only way to rescue this market

Iran’s heavy vehicle’s market showed a good potential during the recent years and some experts believe that by relying on national corporation and exporting the heavy vehicles to other countries, this market can find its real position in the country.
According to Khodrocar journalist, there is a lot of difference in production, assembly and sale between cars and heavy vehicles in Iran and each one has its own style and method.

Car sale depends on society’s economical condition and peoples’ life style, but heavy vehicle sale that includes commercial and public transportation vehicles, depends on macroeconomic conditions, the quality of infrastructure and country’s international business.

Beside the significant general economic impact on the market for heavy vehicles, various companies have entered this domain, in which they have assembled, imported and put a blind eye to domestic production. According to Khodrocar’s previous reports, private section was way more successful than the state-owned section in heavy vehicles market.

But due to country’s economic condition, the question is: Until this day, why a single company has not entered this market fully forced to take the responsibility of assembly and domestication and raise it to more than 50% percent?

The next question is: what should be done so that it can put the heavy vehicle industry in the right direction. This is while the Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade, said that according to its strategic plan, the volume of production of commercial vehicles with a 20% export, should reach into 120 thousand units by the end of the year 1404, while this figure is 40,000 units this year.

Mehrdad Amini, automotive experts, believe that government laws have a great impact on the automotive industry and sais: Currently, custom duties of imported heavy vehicles are set so that the investment for production and internalization is not economical.

He adds: Heavy vehicle are imported to the country via CBU and SKD.

He emphasized: In order to internalize the vehicle and vehicle parts production, the production must be noticeable and economical but today, the production, assembly and the sale of these kind of vehicles in Iran is not enough.

Amini emphasizes that the maximum internal displacement of heavy vehicles in Iran is 35%.

He points out in the end, that in the area of heavy vehicles, we should move to the point where Iran would become one of the world's leading heavy vehicles manufacturers.